Chris Winn: Ramblings From The Road


07 November 2011

Project Complete. For Now At Least!

With the last non-bike weekend just gone, Kat and I busted out the last three garden boxes in our on going project.  We ran short of the surrounding rubber mulch that we previously had, but other than that we now wait until Spring to put dirt in these guys and plant some vegetables!

From what was a pretty dead corner that we weren't sure what to do with, we are both chuffed on how it turned out.  Best of all it really didn't cost a great deal being able to reuse a lot of materials we already had or got second hand.  Sure if you took a level and a set square to the boxes they wouldn't be precise, but I kinda like the rough charm of it.  I was thinking of putting a little sign up on the back fence there too...any suggestions?

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