Chris Winn: Ramblings From The Road


06 November 2011

Looking Outside The Bubble.

The off season is drawing ever closer to the end.  I look back with pride on the last three weeks of spontaneous activity that didn't involve pulling on lycra and clipping into pedals.  Snow-shoe adventures (thanks to a couple of mid week snow dumps), hikes, gym time, Pilates classes and the odd tennis match at the local hard court.  Now those were a hoot.  I know this site spans back a long way (500+ posts) but before the cycling bug bit, tennis was my first sport in which I went mad for.  Well until I discovered mountain biking that is!  Typically I was on the court three of four times a week between training sessions and weekend competition.  So swinging again was super fun, and although I had some memory of the stroke techniques, the execution was terrible!

My other new off season revelation has been the raiding the library.  I've discovered there is a plethora of good stuff out there including CD's, books and DVD's that I have been keen to get my hands on for quite sometime!

  This going hand in hand with... of these and you've got a pretty good off season arvo!

Into the Wild.

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