Chris Winn: Ramblings From The Road


21 November 2011


Since getting back to pedaling I have spent masses of time of late riding Tempo. For those who don't know, Tempo is that uncomfortable little place that is not quite going full gas and not just cruising along endurance pace. We have been building in duration for the past week and a half and today I was able to get through 2 X 1hr blocks of the stuff which I was happy about. The key I've quickly learned to these workouts however it you gotta eat and drink consistently. The increased intensity keeps the old kj meter ticking over at a solid rate, and unless the fuel tank is kept topped up things can go downhill quick! To add to this the temps are starting to drop in Colorado and the last couple of training sessions I've done have hovered around the 5C mark, meaning the body is burning even more energy just to keep warm. It's a survival thing I'm told. Tomorrow I push out to 75minutes and by the end of the week I'm looking at 90min blocks. Lucky Thanksgiving is around the corner and will give me a nice excuse for a second or third plate!

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