Chris Winn: Ramblings From The Road


17 January 2012


The artwork for our 2012 Horizon Organic/Panache team kits has been what do you think? The team has really stepped up this year and we have some awesome sponsors on board. In the bicycle department I'm pumped to reveal we will be riding bicycles courtesy of Scott. I cannot tell you how excited I am to ride these bikes! I had the pleasure of using a Foil for around 3 weeks earlier last season and it truly was an amazing ride. In fact the first race I did on it I managed to win so it's definitely got the goods! Alongside Scott Bicycles we will be rocking some great products including Lazer Helmets, Fizik Saddles, Sidi Shoes and Speedplay Pedals to name a few. Check here for the full list, but I would like to take this opportunity and thank each one for supporting the team. I can't wait to get this jersey out there and on the podium. And for the avid reader, feel free to get on board and follow us on Twitter here and our FB page. Cheers!

Good times aboard a Scott in 2011!

So next week a handful of us will be heading down to Texas to do some warm weather training and pin some numbers on for some early season races. I'm actually super looking forward to getting out of the cold here and spicing up the training a little bit. Consistent, steady, and unwavering would be the best words to describe the last month of workouts, so I'm keen to change tact and throw some fresh challenges in there.

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