Chris Winn: Ramblings From The Road


08 December 2009

Oh Snap......It's Damn Cold Here Right Now.

I don't think I could have explained it any clearer than the title. Yes there has been some new experiences faced over the last few weeks. Try -14C mornings, driving in on ice and snow and frozen fingers in a matter of minutes. The driving on the snow is the scary one. Sure I'm accustom to a little drift and slide from the mtb days, but being in a car totally out of control is different. Much more care needs to be taken, and it seems at least 4 times a day I see a fire truck or ambulance scream up the street to what surely is another snowy road accident. Tread carefully! Thankfully this week I have been able to mix it up with the bus, unlike the last snow storm where I almost aced myself hard on the scooter......not good IS slippery.

On the training front I have a recovery week this week which I am pretty psyched about after spending plenty of hours last week on the computrainer. Crappy weather or no crappy weather, work has to be done. So last week I also saw a muscle specialist for an
electromyography assessment. A what you say??? Basically stuck a bunch of electrodes to my lower back and hips and measured the firing sequences and intensities during different movements and on the bike. Why you ask? All in name of efficiency. The body is very good at compensating for muscle imbalances and weaknesses. Over time we might have no idea we have fallen into bad habits which ultimately can be limiting performance. Even past crashes and falls can cause major issues internally that we never see once the superficial scabs have healed. So after a couple of hours we learned a bunch, including that my lower back is more relaxed on a bike doing efforts than standing relaxed. Weird.

Verdict anyone
? Personally, I dont mind

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